Thursday, March 19, 2009

march 18


earth history re-enactments in the sandbox

Thomas tunes (music, music, and more music for the littlest one, still)

jumpstart spelling

tidying up

chores (if you can call it that.)

And then to our friends' home for our first meeting with our local urban homesteaders.
Since the meeting was hosted by our friends, we stayed.
And stayed for a little longer.
And then stayed some more.(Sorry to wear out our welcome, friends. We love you so that we hate to part company.)

A lovely day under the sun.


  1. Great day! Fun,fun! I can't WAIT to hold a spring chick!!!!

  2. Looks like a fun day. Love the clothesline picture. That really signals spring to me for some reason. The tie-dye shirt is awesome too. :)

  3. You definitely didn't wear out your welcome! It was a lovely day for sure:)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!