Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June Sixteen

The first order of the day today was planning two birthday parties. With things like Guacamole. And icecream cones. And cupcakes and a birthday cake.
And sending evites.
Madeleine's said,
"I want you to come to my birthday.
And I always wanted a birthday present, too."
: )

We headed outside and Maddie and I made fairies to go with our house.They're pretty sweet.
I can say that, because it seems they mostly made themselves, and that we had hardly anything to do with it.

There's been reading (voluntary reading, mind you) how lovely to be so done with Reading Worries-- 'tis a beautiful thing

and JumpStart2G-- which included number placement and prefixes (really? Prefixes? at seven???)

and learning what Sumo Wrestlers are from National Geographic

and Smurf videos (Trev)

wild chases

a tea partyhide-and-go-seek

bike ridin'

readin' library books

Briefly checked out Land of the Lost (I've been talking about it for years... Dinosaur shows were sooo much cooler in the seventies than they are now. Don't you agree??? heh heh.)
Little Son is leery of the Sleestaks... I've mentioned too many times how creepy they were, I guess.

Looked through Bill Nye's Dinosaur Dig book for some experiments to try out tomorrow
Mama's got 'Speer-a-ments on her mind.

Magic School Bus! beebeep

JumpStart 2nd Grade... the next SuperGem. woohoo! (multiplication this time. ??? whoof.)

Lots of wild abandon today!
Now tomorrow we really must quit runnin' and clean up this house.


  1. That book Trev's reading reminds me of a book I checked out on a whim at the library last week. It's called 'The Big Black Book of Colors', I think, and it's got completely black pages with white letters. The illustrations are raised from the page, but black, so you run your fingers over them to feel them and above the white letters are the same sentences written in Braille.

    Anyway, Trev's book reminded me of that. :)

  2. The fairies are enchanting.

    It is my experience that the best birthday parties include guacamole!!

  3. Tea with the housefairies - I love it!

  4. Land of the Lost! LOL, I remember that. :) My personal fave as a kid was the ultra cheesy one on mainstream TV where the baby dino would call the dad "Not the mama". It was pretty bad if I recall right, but i thought it was hilarious.

    Love the sound of the day and all the fun. Always inspiring.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!