Saturday, July 04, 2009

A Woven Summer

Several weeks ago my friend Julie introduced us to this project at our Earth Scout meeting.
I had never seen it, and loved it.
I thought maybe I wasn't the only one who hadn't done it, and thought I would share it here.
(With Julie's permission.)

This project only calls for sticks, yarn or vines, and flowers or leaves.

We made ours with wool that we had dyed, and hand-spun by us. :) A favorite part!
We wove our yarn into our y-shaped sticks
and then gathered favorite pretties from our gardens
and wove them into our sticks.
This would make a lovely charm or blessing for the summer garden...
It would also be a lovely momento from a favorite nature walk, camping trip, or summer vacation, don't you think?
I think we'll save ours for our first bonfire of the autumn season... a lovely way to say goodbye to the summer!

For a variation of this idea, visit 5 Orange Potatoes.


  1. Loving it with sticks so much! I think I like the sticks better because the grapevine lost its gusto after a week. These are really beautiful! The Earth Scout group sounds amazing.

    Stephanie, sometimes I think we live parallel lives a few states away! We obviously think the same when it comes to raising our munchkins.

    Thanks for the link love.

    Lisa :)

  2. Such beautiful photos of your family Stephanie!
    Your weavings came out beautifully, we enjoyed this activity last Summer it was so interesting to see how each childs creation varied. I also made a frame of sticks for a loom which the kids enjoyed adding to over the Winter.

  3. cute idea! Love it and gonna do it!

  4. I'm with Lisa - I love reading a blog whose author is similar in how she views life and children - even if we're different in other ways.

    It's a bit embarrassing that most of my craft posts start out with "I saw this on Stephanie's blog." :)

  5. I love these! I am especially impressed with your hand spinning, something I keep trying to learn but never with very productive results!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love this project. Even more, love the photos of your kids... they make me giggle inside... when they relax, they look SO relaxed... when they are concentrating , they are concentrating SO hard... just love it.
    Thanks for sharing on Friday's Nature Table.
    Blessings and magic.

  7. we love this project....did it also with our Waldorf Kindy Coop. Very pretty photos!

  8. How beautiful those are! I always thought of this as more of an autumn project, but I really like your summer variation. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!