Wednesday, December 06, 2006

December 6!

Woh! It's been along time! Well, I'll just put up some pictures.....
Beginning with Halloween, I suppose. These are our jackolanterns, made, of course, from orange, black, and green construction paper. I loved this project! Was a first of our art projects in long time, Trev isn't really too fond of them!
Here is another, this was our Thanksgiving Tree. Each of us (Trev, Eric, Maddie, and I) had a different leaf shape. I didn't want to speak for Maddie, of course, but she did have a couple of leafs, one for Balloons, one for Annabelle, and one for Trevy. All of which I know she is Thankful for, as she shows it almost hourly. By the time this picture was taken it had been subjected to many (Madeleine) hurricane forces, thus the pile of leaves on the ground! We just started this this year, but it's something we enjoyed, and we'll be calling it a tradition, I'm sure. We started our Thanksgiving Tree about a week before Thanksgiving, and added more things as the week went on, but most of the leaves were done the first afternoon.
I think we all enjoyed coming up with a new something that we were truly grateful for, and then the rest of the family would "ooh, that's a good one!" Was fun.

Trev has thoroughly been enjoying taking pictures. He uses my camera (the one Eric isn't allowed to touch!) and has a great time with it. He was taking pictures for a while of Prehistoric Park, then he moved on to any and everything. Here's a self protrait.....

What else? Learning to read very well, still fascinated with dinosaurs and prehistoric life, which has lead to my interest of a timeline. I'm going to begin it with the big bang, then go the different eons and eras. I have learned much from the research I've done on it, though I haven't done any digging for a week or so. It will run down my stairs, and around the hall downstairs, then back up the stairway. Still doing the planning on how much room to leave for what years.
It's a most ineteresting subject to me.

Maddie is expressing very well, and beginning interest in writing. Well, pens, pencils, etc. I need to get out the finger paints, and let her have at it to see if she's interested. Trev wasn't much interested in crayons etc when he was that young. Still isn't, really.

Trev wants Star Wars toys and dinosaurs for Christmas
He'll be getting it, of course. Maddie would really enjoy a kitchen, with plates, food, etc, I am sure she'll be getting that, too.
From me she'll be receiving a Waldorf doll that I am making, courtesy of a generous friend, Teri, who will be teaching us to make them. I'm very excited about this, as I considered giving her one last year for Christmas, but the cost was too high, and I was concerned about messing it up. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity by someone who knows especially well how to do it!
That's it for now.

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