Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 13 Again

Don't you just hate it when you disappoint your child?
I did a doozy today.
We didn't make it to Dinosaur Park before it closed....
You can imagine. He didn't scream and rant, just sobbed. It was so sad.
But, we are going back tomorrow! after we visit friends for a while. Then we're gonna go back up to the lake again, too.
First things first.

We headed to the furthest thing first, which was the wetlands.
We saw lots of birds - though I cannot remember them all, dh is the birdman in our family, though I did see a great blue heron a few times. They were so hard to photo! they'd fly off whenever you got within 100 feet or so. Very skittish!Blackbirds, marsh hawks, snowy egret, (I'll update this list on Saturday when I have the time and my checklist to write down the details.)We next made our way to Eccles Dinosaur Park, with the warning to Trev that they may be closed, we couldn't get connected online to find out what time they closed... got there just as they were announcing it was closin' time.

We immediately told him we'd make it up to him however we could, and it was decided that we'll venture back up there tomorrow.
We then headed up the canyon to Pineview.

We had such a marvelous time at the lake! I think because we didn't really expect anything, we just went mainly to get some sand to put in our sandbox, and thought we'd stop over since we were so close - and an hour away from home.
We had a really great time. We were the only ones there, except for a few boats, and it was quiet, and the sun was going down. Eric did some fishing, we found tracks that Trev decided belonged to a compsagnathus, and the children did the usual sand and beach things... watched their footprints disappear, threw mud into the water, ran along the beach, walked in the waves, and played with the sand. It was pretty wonderful.

"Look, Mommy," Madeleine said. "Airplane in sky. Pretty. Beautiful sky."

1 comment:

  1. Ah, well. Sometimes it's good to show them that fun can still be had, even when plans change. Although missing Dino Parkis sad! Did you go back today?


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