Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Tea Party

Our party began at the same time as most formal balls.
Which would of course be about 10:08pm.
But it certainly was a Grande Affaire, and guests(No, we did not make him! He loves and wants to please his sister.)were clamoring for invitations, to be sure.
How it happened:
"I want a tea party!"
"What? Now?" Looks at clock.
Well, in light of All The Things That Must Be Done - it's just as well.
Actually I think it started somewhat earlier with Franklin being fitted for a Magic Slipper that wouldn't fit. Along with a two year old Princess - Or is she a Queen? - I forget.
But Trevelyn's Lovey Bear sported the footwear splendidly. But I digress.....
Our Tea Party consisted of Chicken Soupprepared by World Famous Chefs, of course...
and chocolates
and caramel treasures
and Pepperidge Farms Pirouette Mint Chocolate cookies. Er - wafers. And blueberry crumbcake.And a bit of Brandy for the Queen Mum. (alright, I've never tried Brandy, it was designer beer.)

It was a very exciting affair, with lots of sugar (well past the usual allotted time) and lots of cooking and shouting and dancing.

Now it's 11:17and All Is Well.


  1. Hi Stephanie --

    I enjoyed the window on the Tea Party! My youngest is 14 now, and it's been a while since there was a tea party at our house. It was just lovely seeing yours -- and it did make me think about making some scones!(My husband's aunt in Wales makes the most delicious welshcakes
    I almost got sick eating so many of them when I first tried them.)

  2. Oooo, glitter shoes are the best!

  3. Awwww - looks like the best party ever!

  4. You know what? If that's not the sweetest thing I've ever seen then I don't know what is. Your son wearing that hat just warmed my cold, grinch heart!


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