Tuesday, January 22, 2008

January 22

Lah, this has been quite a day!
I kept thinking that blogging would have to wait 'til tomorrow, and then I get a spurt, and then I'm ready for bed, then I come to life again.

We'll see if I can stay lucid long enough to report on our day!

Well, I really really really wanted to finish the playroom today. Most of it was picked up and organized yesterday, but it still needed to be actually cleaned. It started out like this, by the way. >:0

But soon enough (still a few hours later) it was done.(I love love shelves for toys and books - thank you So Much! Steph for the new bookcase. It holds many of our treasures - scissors and pens and glue and tape up high out of you-know-who's reach, and down low there are games and our microscope and slides and scale and many other treasures for the curious little terrors darlings.)
Among puppet shows,and imaginary play
and games of bowling
and tossingand sortingand squeals
and puzzles
and books about insectsand dinosaursand beadingand lacing cardsand pretend parties.

And then we went upstairs to find the rest of the house had very nearly fallen in on her head while the Mama was slaving away in the basement.
I found quite a disaster. In every room.
So we tidied up a bit. Well - in the livingroom. That took us at least an hour.

Now Daddy's home, and they were all raising hell downstairs - but oh no!, here they come!, and Eric is saying something about "aaaaack! who did this with the shaving gel?!?"...
There's only one thing to do.....

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