Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12

Today was family day - and s'posed to be a balmy 50 degrees, so we sprung up and headed out the door early.
It was decided this morning that first up was the bookstore to get a couple of books that Trev really, really wanted - Chased By Sea Monsters, and Sea Monsters 3D . We went to get them the other day, but I didn't have my home educator's card, which would mean spending $10 more just on those two, and so we waited. I picked up Illusions.
Then we were off to breakfast! (each of us with our treasures in tow.)
After that we went to the Aquarium. Trev was thrilled that they had a triops (only one...?) and horseshoe crabs, which have been around long before the Triassic period began.
They had small tanks for touching - sea urchins, the horseshoe crabs, sea cucumbers, and sea stars.

We decided to go to Farm Country (since we were out that way)....where we chased chicks and got licked by a bull, frowned at by a worker, saw how milk is processedTrev played in and ate and slid and conquered snowand got pony rides (two, for Maddie.)Since it was a beautiful day by this time, we decided that we'd like to spend more of it outside, and headed back into town to the Aviary.
We got there just a few minutes in before they closed.
But then there was still enough light and fun to be had on the playground.....
Lots of adventuring!


  1. I loved Illusions. I read it at 15 and it really changed my perspective about many things. Then someone told me that Richard Bach is a pen name for Stephen King and I was sad. When I last looked, I could not verify that at all. It's a great book.

  2. It is one of my all-time favorites. I think it's probably what initially (somewhere between age fifteen and twenty) introduced me to the thought that I would walk on water, when I was ready.
    It is very close to my heart.


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