Friday, March 21, 2008

Gone Huntin'

Today we had an egghunt planned at the park with our other Hooligans.

What can I say?
A few hours at the park - complete with now-pink cheeks with gentle friends is such a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

We played, hunted for eggs, tried to make friends with a resident squirrel, shared confidences, had lunch, ran and rolled and jumped and swung, and had a really great spring day.

Thanks so much Aub, Soleil, Xavi, and Julie, Kyan and Damek.
We adore you.
We're so lucky to call you Friends.


  1. Thanks to you guys too! It was a lovely day indeed.

  2. Sounds fantastic! Better than shoveling snow, like we're doing here (grumble grumble). Glad that you had such a wonderful day!

  3. oh, so sweet.
    i love friends.
    you all are the best.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!