Thursday, August 07, 2008


actually, it's tired, but when you're a spent former Okie, it comes out as "tarred".

We headed out early today (well, as early as we could manage) to the Ogden Nature Center (about an hour away from home).
We were loaded with adventure packs, binoculars, paper in case we/Maddie were inspired to draw, the wagon, loads of water, picnic, etc, etc....

We've never been, and though it was gonna be hot today (94, I believe), we were very, very brave, and made a go of it.

The first few minutes we spent in the Discovery Room - where we saw a tarantula, the tarantula's molting, a miniature owl (I've forgotten what it was called), a salamander, a King snake, and a falcon.
We saw skulls, and scat. Again. And birds and stones.

Outside we visited the mews, the educational pond (where we were not able to see frogs or turtles) and after a picnic lunch took the trails all the way around the preserve.
Eventually we came to Blackbird Pond, where we made friends with a deer, saw a totally different kind of pond - this one was covered in these little tiny bead plants, and filled with black dense water/sludgey stuff - and were able to see little frogs jumping here and there. And Trevelyn discovered a little snake making its way across the pond. He was very excited about that, especially since he kept missing the frogs!

Eventually we made our way all the way to the end of the preserve, and played at the treehouse and teepee area for quite a while.
On our way back we met another deer, and found several owl pellets. (We didn't pick them up, however.)

Then I brought up that we were only ten minutes from the Dinosaur Park, and would they like to go there before we went home?
You know they did.

Our trip to the nature center was filled with interesting discussions due to intriguing observations and questions. And butterflies, birds, and grasshoppers, and mysterious things scurrying through the bushes. A most enjoyable exploration.

Off to the Dino Park, then, first to see the animatronics, then a trip through the museum, and then to the playground!
Finally we drifted around the park, by this time the clouds had come, and the evening had cooled. Thank goodness.

Now we're safely home, and are all lazy slugabeds... finishing off our day with The Great Muppet Caper.

Life's good.
'Night, then.


  1. Stephanie,

    Lillyzoo here, I just wanted you to know you were already in my blog favorites list I go through daily and I read you often. Thanks!


  2. Thanks so much, Jennifer!
    For the kind words, and for the comment!

  3. Are you a spent Okie? Small world! I grew up in northern Oklahoma!

  4. Sarah -
    Moore - which is right between okc and Norman. :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!