Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Snapshots

Since I already have a Sunday project for Happy and Free (Sacred Life Sunday), and since this one is about Mama's Snapshots, I'll play with Sarah here at olm.

Five shapshots, then.
Right this minute.
No tidying up, no fixing it, no edits of a "Let's just clean up that stain off the carpet with PhotoShop, shall we?" nature.
Here you go, then.

(this is a patio plant thing. I have no idea why it's inside, in the living room, and I have no idea why it's nesting clay. I do, however, know why there's a puzzle piece on the floor. Because there's always a puzzle piece on the floor.)


  1. Fantastic! Exactly what I had in mind - I love them!

  2. Wow! You have one cool house! (And a great eye for light!)

    Thanks for sharing that!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!