Tuesday, January 06, 2009


We haven't been to our children's museum in a little over a year (we've now renewed our membership to aid us in spending our winter actively and happily), so we have lots of pictures to share with you.
(Really they're to record the OLM of childhood, but since you're here...)

We spent the day with friends, again.
Peeping into the mousehole (one of Mama's favorites. The mouse was absent. I suspect he -and all his relatives- are in our house).

Yes. A Real-Life Rescue Helicopter! Dude.

Making the News. (A way in which a Mama doesn't mind at'all.)

Stomping rockets. And anticipating where they'd go This Time.

Creating animation.

Simulating earthquakes.

Yup. Life is good.


  1. Life is indeed good. Great pix!

  2. That looks like a fabulous children's museum. Wish we had one like that here!

  3. Great way to spend a day!

  4. What a great week you are all having. And stomp rockets are one of my favorite things!-K

  5. Looks like a great place to spend a day!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!