Saturday, January 03, 2009

January 2

Yesterday I had that DNA on my mind first thing. The babes were still sleeping. I didn't wait. :)
I wasn't at all sure what was going to happen, as ours wasn't globby but more like little tiny bits.
I got out clean fresh slides and covers, and brought up bluing because I thought maybe if I couldn't see anything, that would be the way to go.

After lots of adjusting, and figuring out what was a part of the slide, and what wasn't, I found this.
Which looks like a really long, skinny something. It isn't hair.
Hair at this magnification is colored, and has substance. This was two single black lines that are really, really narrow (way smaller than a hair) and super long.
I'm thinking that has to be it.
Though there were a couple of unidentifiable things on the slide. I suspect a dust fiber for one, and I'm not sure about the others, as I thought they might have been dna but they were much shorter than the other.
So we'll have to continue our investigations before we know anything.

We were invited to spend the evening with friends, and since the children woke up as Wild Heathens (which of course we are) we met the same friends at the park for a little rowdy outdoor play before the evening hours.On the way home Trev finally got his wish - the church gate was open!
Which meant he got to drive.
Except there was a Sheriff parked in the other part of the parkinglot (not sure) so I didn't dare let him for as long as we both wanted. He drove from my lap, as we have an suv with a standard transmission.
He was thrilled.

One more stop before the grocery store and home - we had to investigate our neighborhood fort.

And finally we were off to spend the rest of the evening with friends.
These and these.
Laughing and loving.

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