Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24

Maddie started out her morning with puzzles that she hauled up from downstairs.

And we made our cleaners

and salt dough for sculpting, baking, and painting

and kites.
The babes got the soil ready (soaked) for our seed planting adventures tomorrow.
Which brought to mind (and then our hands) our two seed children's books - How a Seed Grows and My First Book of Questions and Answers: Things That Grow.
Then of course we had to watch Magic School Bus' Goes To Seed. (and All Dried Up. And Gets Planted.)

Zoo Tycoon


Scootin' magnets across the floor with Daddy

Guitar 101
(Which carried this Mama thru the rest of the night, while the babes played and loved with Daddy.)

Life is good.
'Night, then.


  1. Oooh, you can plant outside already? Ok. That is it. UT, here I come! :)

  2. Love The Magic Schoolbus! We prepared soil today too. Sounds like another wonderful day.

  3. Just in the pots!
    Though peas are coming soon, I think.

  4. Sara - my favorite part was the guitar!!
    I got to tune it all by myself!

    In a World Of Knitting, I am learning to play the guitar!!

  5. Like the look of the little greenhouse :-)
    I used to be able to strum some songs on the guitar, but I haven't played for ages!

  6. Hi, I love your blog! I tagged you on my blog for a Sisterhood Award. http://4crazykings.blogspot.com/
    Mama King

  7. Looks like a busy but fantastic day. :)

  8. This sounds like such a peace-filled day. I can't wait until the weather warms up a bit here and I can get out in the garden. I just can't be upset when I am growing food.

  9. Gosh, growing. Wet dirt. Thud. I've passed out. :)

  10. Magic School Bus is much loved around here as well.

    Looks like you guys are getting outside a lot. Lucky ducks.

    I love all of the pictures and fun on your blog!

  11. I've always considered getting that type of greenhouse....does it work well for ya???

  12. Lisa -
    I love it.
    It will hold two and-a-half flats on each shelf, so 10 all together.
    Something like 600 plants. I haven't counted in a while. :)

    You just have to remember to put something heavy on the bottom shelf (large flat rocks) so it doesn't topple in a fierce wind.

    It's much easier for us than trying to pack all our window sills! (and have them get spilled.)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!