Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28

Well, the last day of February.
It's fitting that it's cold out today, then.

But the sun was shining brightly, so....

Mama set up the Go Under (the enchanted entrance to the secret raspberry garden)



planting more sugar snap peas

playing in the water. you know-- because it's summertime.

the first bzzzing insect.

dancing chalk

juicy earthworms


  1. I love the entrance to the secret raspberry garden! Oh, I can't wait for the fresh raspberries.

  2. Looks like a fitting end to February. :)

  3. I love the secret entrance too. What a wonderful idea.

    And the dancing chalk shot is brilliant :-)

  4. I love the entrance, too.
    It was actually Maddie's idea last year (I've since linked it to the original post).

    I just had the vines tied to a stake last year (and the top drooped because of it), this year I cut down a thin weed tree, and bent it to use as an arch support, since it's pliable right now.

    The entrance is one of those things that brings the Magic, you know?

  5. ooohhhh! But it's snowing today for me, another 12 in. Why? I can't believe you are playing with the lovely bugs already! That is so cool!

  6. I love your red chair! It looks so inviting for a relaxing reading afternoon!

  7. I love the finches! (if that is what they were LOL). All we get are doves at our feeder and they are cute, but I keep trying to lure the smaller ones closer.

    We are play in the dirt folk too.

  8. Jennifer - they hang with finches... we learned today they're called Pine Siskins. :)

  9. Oh, nice big yard to have all that in there! :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!