Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14

Today has been crazy full.
It started out in a great Saturday-sort-of-way....
with relaxed chores (Mama), and family, and rest, and fun...

but soon enough there was

inventing of games

music and music (Maddie's every breath has been accompanied by music the last few days)

reading (it alternatively amuses and fascinates this Mama that Trev has cut his literary teeth on dinosaur encyclopedias)

spotting a bald eagle in the neighborhood (and a discussion of eagles and crows)

playing tag with Daddy


adventuring with a friend

a playdate with Grammy

painting-- we finally wiped out Evolution today! :)
(Let me just say here that Goodness knows how I managed to scrub the bathroom ceiling and paint the entire stairwell -and clean up the mess!- in the Very Same Day! whoof. I can't but feel that I so rock.)

afternooning at the neighborhood playground
we espied the first green moss of the year
and took a trip back in time with Nigel

tuckered out....
and tucked in.

That'd be it for us.


  1. ha! We have that same dinosaur dictionary, and I noticed my daughter was reading it in bed this evening. Kids are funny sometimes. :)

  2. Joy - I think we have like 10 or 12 prehistory encyclopedias. :)
    You'd think they'd get redundant, but actually we love all of them, because remarkably they all have different species. Some are familiar, of course, but many are different.
    So we'll probably keep collecting them!

  3. Oh yes Mama, you do rock!! I do so love reading about your days.

  4. Wow, you DO rock, Stephanie! I can't imagine how you did all that work either. It looks like a very fine day though. :)

  5. Such a nice day you all had there. I am thinking that we must get a trapoline. Looks like so much fun. You are one amazing Mama to get all that done.

  6. Wow, that was quite a day! Rock on. :)

  7. We found green moss yesterday too! (I love all your trampoline photographs - in this and previous posts)

    I nominated you for an award. Please do come and collect it at my blog if you would like it :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!