Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25

Puzzles were first today.
And playing with the domino/cuisenaire/jellybean/dice pretties that Mama left on the table.

We checked to see how the fossils are doing.We've got mineral formation on the surface, but it's still too wet for the "bones" to be fossilizing much yet.

We checked on the bean sprouts. Interesting how you can still see the seed shell.

One of our favorite people (the man in brown) came today! He brought us these.We're so excited to start Scouts soon!

Chocolate Carmel Chai Rice Dream Supreme. With a crooked smile to go with it. (She's feeling a bit crooked today, methinks.)

There was a bit of tidying up

and then Madd kept herself busy with beadinglacing
and tangrams

while Trev and I played Bingo.
I'm happy to say we loved it! It was really fun for both of us.
Trev wanted to play using subtraction, so that's what we did.
He won. (Though I was very close behind.) :)

Flintstones for a while. It's the newest thing.

And then a wooden puzzle that Trev got in his basket the other day.A velociraptor.[rooaaaaghr]

We finally checked the mail...
Our aviary membership arrived!
Trev said "Woohoo!! This means an All Expense Paid Trip to Dinosaur Park!" Lol.
(With our Aviary membership we can get in there free.)

And also crammed in that big white box of ours was another package full of goodness.
This time it's Mama who cried woohoo!Heirlooms. Oh, I feel faint.
Spinach: Bloomsdale Long Standing, Pea: Sugar Ann, Hyssop, Foxglove, Sunflower: Giant Greystripe, Melon: Eden Gem (cantelope), Blanketflower, Cucumber: Straight Eight, Tomato: Black Cherry, Evening Primrose, Pole Beans: Kentucky Wonder, Spinach: Giant Noble.
Added to (seedlings already started): Cucumbers, SuperSweets (tiny tomoatoes) watermelon, green beans, pumpkins (jacks and giants), basil and basil, red onions, beefsteaks, sweet peppers, habaneros, thai's, radishes.... and all the lovely greens that we inherited from our generous friends.
Plus all the scrumptiousness that comes back every year. Yay for that, I say. oof.

* * *
And now Daddy is expected home any second (thank goodness) with dinner (thank goodness again) and I think it's time to settle in with that big ol' stack of library books I got last night.

It's 6:12,
and All is Well.
Really, really well.


  1. That bean sprout is amazing!

  2. WOW - I love your energy and warmth. What a wonderful blog. You guys have lots of fun!


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