Monday, April 20, 2009


the last couple of days have been full of "nothin'"s.

the kind of nothin that looks like ridin' your bike down the big hill

playin' on the trampoline with a neighbor

and reading the last ten chapters of George's Secret Key to the Universe, outside. "Awesome!" was Trev's final verdict, by the way.

the kind of nothin' that begs for eating lots of popsicles.
and then hanging out with raspberry juice on your nose for the rest of the day.

the kind of nothin that looks like shorts and a tank top for Mama

cherry tree blossoms

a bowl of cereal on the patio table

and a picnic lunch on the grass.

just nothin.


  1. Those kinds of "nothin's" are the best! Glad you are enjoying life as sometimes we forget about the little things. Thank you for reminding everyone!

  2. But there is so much in the nothin' isn't there? All the good bits of days well spent.

    Enjoy your Monday.. :0)

  3. your site is very cool. looks like you know how to enjoy life

  4. Now THAT is what I am talking about :) Those are the days....those are the days :)

  5. Best days, those nothing-everything days.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!