Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14

Today we've had a bit of Juice.
The Mama went to the library to pay a fine [sigh] and to pick up the next Dinosaur Cove book. I carted to the counter and showed them (not so anxiously, I'm actually getting used to this sort of thing) the Fizz, Bubble and Flash that I borrowed a few weeks ago. Remember how I said that I love it, and that it's imperative that we own a copy?? Guess what!? We do!!
I picked up a few cd-roms for the babes while I was there, though Trev still wanted to play JumpStart World Second Grade. (It's been like three days of that, now. I'm not complaining.)
Have I mentioned in a few days how much I love JumpStart?

To the store, then, for a few supplies. Like dish soap for bubbles. And glycerin. (found it, Julie!) And iodine. And a couple of rambutans.
Oh, yeah... and food.

To the rambutans, then.Trev gave it a thumbs up. Madd, too.
"It's interesting," said she.
I didn't much care for the texture... it reminds me of raw fish. Doesn't taste like raw fish.... but still. Kind of hard to get over. (Even for an omnivore.)
We tried out a static experiment (Hey, static again!) that I got in my inbox from Home Science Tools yesterday. While it wasn't terribly effective, it was enough - with the explanation of
"Lightning happens in exactly the same way. Usually, a negative charge from a thundercloud is trying to find a positive charge to meet up with, and it will "jump" from the cloud towards a positive charge on the ground or in another part of the cloud."Cool.

We also tried a test for starch with iodine.
Bread, potato, spinach, sugar, apple, and pasta.Which was cool, but particularly interesting when we read that when the person at the grocer's runs a pen over your large bill, he or she is checking for starch. All paper has starch in it, but U.S. currency is made of sugar fibers, and contains no starch.Cool!
And... I wonder if the clerk knows that?
Computer play. JumpStart, still. And Dancing Dora, or something like that. (Except when Trev gets up for a minute and she snags his Second Grade game.)

Zoo Tycoon
and more Dora

giant bubbles.

Volcanoes! Always a favorite.

After that Trev was ready to try out Journey to the Center of the Earth, one of the games I picked up at the library, today. (Upon linking to it I read the reviews on Amazon, and felt it necessary give Trev a heads-up on the reviews-- not so good.)

A wander over and through the gardens.
To discover that we'll have grapes
and raspberries
cherriesand peonies.
We have the first tiny rose
and periwinkle
pretty heartsajuga flowers
and phlox.
The lemon balm is high
the bee balm has flourished
the catnip is plentiful
the sugar snap peas are happy
the sage is heavy
and the honeysuckle is humming.(Yay... more bees!)

Trev tested out a theory.... he dunked a balloon in bubble mixture, then blew it up and let it go, hoping that it would spit out bubbles as it flew about.
It didn't quite work, but I loved the theory and the experiment.

Time for reading out on the trampoline. We read Flight of the Quetzalcoatlus.
And then we measured fourty feet in our backyard, so we could see and get a feel for its wingspan.

Blondie came over and the children played Capture the Flag. (She actually came over while we were reading, but Little Son sent her away with the promise that he'd come to get her when we were done reading.)
And the babes got the vinegar and baking soda back out.
And then they had to show her the balloon being blown up by the gas of baking soda and vinegar.
She was duly impressed. : )

The day has turned into evening, and we come to this place with full minds and hearts,
but with empty tummies.
That's my cue...
Goodnight, then.


  1. I love bleeding hearts. They are one of my favorite perennials.

    Are you going to make soap with the glycerin? Do you have a receipe for dish soap? I am going to make my own laundry soap for the dishwasher as soon as I run out but I want to have liquid soap for when I hand wash dishes.

  2. M - You're gonna make laundry soap for the dishwasher? Do you wash your clothes in there?

    No, I have a dish machine recipe that I use sometimes, but I've never found one for liquid soap.
    The glycerin is for the bubbles - a few tablespoons to a gallon of water and 2/3 cup of dish soap.
    I had to get some - can't use my fancy eco stuff for bubbles... way too expensive. :/

  3. Rambutans? I have never seen nor heard of them, very interesting looking. Very cool about the paper money, I always wondered why the clerks did that.

    Thanks for the nice comment on my "don't mean to offend" made me smile. ;)

  4. I love your springtime snapshots. But no pictures of peonies? I l-o-v-e love them, but I don't think they grow where I live in California--too hot.

  5. I love the honeysuckle and the bleeding hearts. It makes me yearn to see what my night blooming jasmine will look like as soon as it settles into its new home in our garden. :)

  6. Rambutans are very cool inside and out but I think they look like big burdocks.

    You are modeling courage for your kids when you try new foods... I'm leaving that to hubby :0)

    Garden looks very happy.

  7. Love all the garden pics, so much to explore just in your yard! we have honeysuckle lining our backyard fence, my kids run to eat them everyday, such a gift :o) I can't wait to show the kids the paper money experiment, thanks!

  8. How do you have all the energy to get through such a busy day! I think it is wonderful you do so many cool things with your kids. We want a trampoline - they are so much fun. Oh, and the slide at the park builds a lot of static too.

  9. I remember reading a long time ago a note from an author... she said something like "for my mother who always believed that reading was more important than chores..." and that stuck with me.
    Number one, I want my babes to explore wildly, and number two... the chores are always there, the day (or childhood) is not.
    I do love a sparkly house, of course, and find it imperative for the thriving of my Spirit sometimes, but it doesn't matter in the Evolution of Self, you know?
    It won't matter next year if there were blocks on the floor on May 12, 2009, but it might matter what we discovered in puddles.
    So each day I pick what is most important to me, and often it's exploring and exploding with my children. :)

  10. That fruit is indeed interesting. I'm like you, if the texture is off, it doesn't much matter what it tastes like.

    Interesting about the money, I never knew that. When I worked at the armored car service, we always got counterfeits coming through, and on one in particular the pens didn't work, they must have perfected their paper recipe:)

    Your plants are looking good!

  11. Hey Stephanie,
    What an awesome post. You are always so creative. I am learning so much. Thanks for sharing all you homeschool adventures.

  12. So cool about the money thing. I did not know that!Guess we will have to pull out the ol' iodine and see whats what.Thanks for the great ideas as always.

  13. Hee...ya, I always wash my clothes in the dishwasher, don't you??? I missed that when I proofread my comment. :)

    Hey, I am coming to your area in June to visit my sister. I think she must live close to you. We are going to the zoo and to Heber. Is there anything you would recommend as "must-see"?


  14. I need to just be banned from the library, but I'm sure they love me as I'm sure they've been able to add to their collection with all the library fines I always have. I pass that library every day and never remember to return the books!

  15. My, what a day y'all have had! Those are some pretty cool experiments. I had no idea about the sugar fibers in money. Learn something new every day.
    Your garden is beautiful. I love the excitement of first buds and blooms and not yet ripe fruits.

  16. Y'know what? Every time I stop by your blog, I end up thinking, "how cool would it be to hang out with this family for the day?"


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!