Tuesday, July 14, 2009

two days

lots and lots and lots of raspberry eating


learnng to discriminate between facts and opinions

practicing multiplication

wind-up toys

laundry hanging


learning foods nutritional value

made a new telephone string... so that secret agent spies can be played

mucho loves to medicine herb garden

ice cream cones

more raspberry picking

garden, garden, love to the garden

trip to a little farmer's market

planning and research for salves, tictures, and cough medicines

pool play

more harvesting (herbs this time)

computer play

n_____ bums

and Outside.

that's us.


  1. Raspberries and pool play - great fun!

  2. Full and fun.

    We came upon a patch of rasberries this week and the blueberries are blueing up too!

  3. So many busy activities to fill these long summer days.
    Can't wait to see what herbal concoctions your tribe comes up with.

  4. This looks like a wonderful day for you and the little ones. This is what my long lost friend does, enjoy every minute of it and know that I love you.

  5. Oh yes certainly a beautiful full life!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!