Thursday, August 06, 2009

august 6: to the moon

Our day began with Maddie (who is pretty much the physicist of the family... always fashioning locks and simple machines, building, and Experimenting where she may) mastering the glider swing.Huh.
There you have it.

We scurried out of the house pretty early to get to a film on time... we were visiting our Planetarium to see Bugs! 3d.

We enjoyed it very much!
And got to play around for a while with the exhibits.

Moon rock collected on the Apollo 15 mission in 1972

a meteorite from 4.5 bya... roughly the same age as the earth!

a collection of asteroids consisting of different minerals

an exhibit that has a large screen and a huge scale that is interactive- you rotate a ball to the sun, moon, or planets in our solar system to see different gravities displayed. This weight was Maddie and Trev combined.

At the planetarium we locked the keys in the car (it wasn't me this time) and so we walked to a little market and ate lunch, and walked the streets of our Downtown

inside a local news station

to our Big City Library (er... that's big as in library, not big as in city) while Daddy did his best to get home expeditiously to pick up a second set of keys and come fetch us.

from a glass elevator in the library

beautiful paper mache art made by local children

from the roof garden... where you can see the mechanics of the glass elevators inside the library

a splash fountain

A lovely time with our library... of course.

Our plan initially for after the planetarium was a visit to one of our favorite haunts-- our natural history museum. So we went over there next to say hello to old friends...

and to bid farewell to the living in the Toadally Frogs exhibit

and to read books
to dig bones out of sandto toss Big Al a few coins
and to listen to different frog calls.

Then to home!, to home!

For a bit of quiet nap time (not me this time, either), a clean swimmin' pool, reading, cool shade, and plans for a yummy grilled supper on the barbecue.

All the way to the moon...
and then back again before bedtime.
A perfect day.


  1. It looks like your kids enjoy the science center/planetarium as much as mine do. To the moon and back makes for a wonderful day. ;)

  2. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Wow--what a great, great day!!

  3. Absolutely adore your new header picture.

    The pic of Maddie on ... is it Mars? is darling.

    Hannah wants to come visit the dinosaur museum now. Maybe next time we're in town.

  4. What a fun! fun! day! The photo of the kids inside the theater with glasses is awesome :)

    I have to ask, what kind of lense did you use for the downtown pics? Love the rounded wide-angle quality

  5. What a fun exploring day! My children would so love that!

  6. Marina- my camera doesn't have separate detachable lenses.
    If you're asking about the last pic of the ceiling, the building itself is curved, it's the way the library was built.

  7. Loved the moon stuff. I love the moon! The library is a really pretty space, isn't it? I love all the sun that filters in.

  8. Man, that was a busy day ... Love it!

  9. You always have such great days!

  10. Wow - looks like you had a busy and exciting day! :)

  11. sigh, what a fantastic day!

  12. I love the photo of your daughter reading under the tree in the Library, sunlight streaming in from the windows... beautiful!

  13. What a fun day and a great use of time waiting for keys. Isn't it funny how the uplanned moments tend to be the best!

    Lisa :)

  14. What a full day. How nice to go with the flow like that. xx


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