Monday, November 30, 2009

november last

Oh, let's see.

Today we went to Central Park.

And then to the National Museum of Natural History.

Maddie brought up some surveyor's tape from downstairs, and said, "Look! I got this to make ribbon sticks!" And she did.

For her.
For her brother.
For her friends.

And there were celebration ribbon dances (for both of them).

And there were duels with carrot swords.

There was a trip to the Lemonhead Factory to see how lemonheads are made.
Maybe not a big deal to you.... but we love Lemonheads. :)
(There's a huge list of places to take a virtual fieldtrip over at Check it out! You might find something you like.)

Trevelyn dug the little trees out of the garage to put up in the den.

And then we started on our Woodland Elves. : ). A project that Maddie and I enjoyed very well-ly.

After dinner (our with-all-the-trimmin's dinner, as we were Out for Thanksgiving)

we bundled into our mittens and scarves and boots and went to get our Tree.
Which meant singin' Christmas songs at the top of our lungs in the car, frosty noses, shouting "And more ChrismasLights!" every three seconds, standing at the fire for a few seconds to get warm, lots of "How 'bout this one?" 's, and the very favorite - helping Dad to tie it on top of the truck for the short ride home.

Home again home again jiggety jig

For some hot cocoa and movies.

And all is right with the world.


  1. lol we have also been singing Christmas music at the top of our lungs. Ronin is absolutely fascinated with The Twelve Days of Christmas. What great fun!

  2. Your woodland elves are just too sweet for words..... they look great on your tree! Have fun decorating.

  3. Tell Maddie thanks again for the ribbon sticks! The boys had a go for a good hour with them and Damek said "that was sure nice of Maddie to think about us":)

  4. wanted to also say that I love your elves! we have lots of acorns just like those that I picked up the last time we were at Evergreen park. Kyan's sick and in the thick of it now, so we're stuck here for a few days, I swear I'm gonna do those today.

  5. I'm going to try to get our tree up very soon too! Nothing like sights and smells to make the holidays real.

  6. Stephanie, another special day! The ribbon sticks, the elves, Christmas songs and choosing a Christmas tree - that is a real highlight, isn't it!

  7. Those woodland elves are ADORABLE!

    We're going to get our tree this Friday and I think singing carols at the top of our lungs in the car is a tradition that must be started in our family :)!

    Happy December!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!