Tuesday, November 10, 2009

november ten

"So, whadaya wanna do today" asked her Mama. Because... you know.... it worked out so well yesterday.

"I wanna.... do 'speraments.... watch tv...... play on the computer...... and eat my toast!"
"Mmmm. I need to go to the library, too."
"Oh, yeah!"

* * *

To the rumpus room!

There was the beginnings of a list for Santa.
"Because Santa can bring the really expensive things I want." says Little Son.

Talk on the phone with friends.
Making plans. Something there about a game he wants to play with friends today that he's planning, though he hasn't come up with a name for his game, yet.

JumpStart for Madd.

A Walk In The Wild Outdoors. Otherwise known as The Neighborhood. With light saber in hand, of course. Only one saber today, though, instead of two.

To the park!
With friends.

Plenty of plain old o.l.m. today.
We'll see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. a fun filled day! love the close-up, he looks so deep in thought..priceless.


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