Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Number Magic

Here's one for you.

Write on a piece of paper the number 1089, fold it up so they don't see it, and hand it to someone.
Have them choose a three digit number. Each digit needs to be different.
example: 863.
Reverse it.
Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
863 - 368 = 495
Reverse that number. 594.
Add 495 + 594
and you get 1089.
Heh. :)

The only exception to this rule is if the first and last numbers are consecutive, such as 637 or 928.
If this is the case, the answer will be 198.

reversed: 736
736-637 = 99
99 + 99 = 198.

In which case you can put your hand over your brow, and say, "Oh, I'm getting a feeling..." and whip out a second folded piece of paper with 198 on it. :)


  1. HA! This is great, will be sure to remember putting the hand over the brow! My girls will be amazed. Now off to try it.


  2. This is cool. Going to try this on my boy now

  3. He showed me up. It dosnt work with 962. help me out please math wizard!

  4. 962
    reversed: 269
    962-269 = 693
    693 + (reversed) 396
    = 1089

  5. I kept messing up the 396 with 369, getting 1062.
    Dyslexia creeps back in now and then.

  6. Ouch! This is hurting my head! :o{


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!