Tuesday, December 08, 2009

december eight

We started out this morning with Maddie waking up before the sun.... and observations about what was happening in the sky.
"So.... it was dark, and then light, and now it's getting darker again?" she asked.
"No, it's getting lighter, slowly."
"So the sun is going down?"
"No, actually, the earth is turning toward the sun, see? Like this. Here's us, and the earth moves like this...."
A few minutes later I took her back to demonstrate with the globe and a desk lamp...

I tended to our magnets. They were messy from rusty filings, and not doing anybody any good. So, of course we had a bit of play with those when they were looking friendly again....

ScoobyDoo Christmas. From fanpop. We're loving that. :) Last night we had a snuggle and Charlie Brown, and then the cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Madeleine fitted Annabelle with a (wrapping paper) saddle this morning, and then wrapped it up. It's now under the tree.

She decorated Annabelle with a little something for the Now, too.

Investigating with the balance scale

0rgan playin'

(this thing is like second or third generation -Eric's family- ... isn't it great? :) )

Whatcha doin?"
I'm making a wagon.
"You're making a wagon?"
Yep, she did.

We tried out an experiment that demonstrates how different parts of the sun rotate at different speeds. The details over at olm, too. Very, very interesting.

Lego Star Wars.

Experimenting with beads and suction on tongues. (Madeleine)

I read three chapters of Cricket In Times Square to Trev while Madeleine played on the floor with the scale and blocks again.
I needed to get up for a while, so Trev began the next chapter on his own. :)

There has been snow eating

and candy-cane hangin'

-and candy-cane eating-

and contraption making (Madeleine).

Rudolph watching (yup - fanpop)

Zoob construction (Trev)

more candycane eating (both)

laundry (Mama - huh. as if.)

And now....
the watch of the clock speeding by.

Eric and I have a date for a fancy-shmancy dinner with a bunch of (definitely drinking entirely too much wine and possibly talking way too loud for such a lofty establishment) Foodie high-brows and hipsters.
I really must see about sanding the rust from those magnets off of my brown-stained fingers, and file my nails. Let's hope I still own an emery board, and the very last one didn't get used for some project or another....

So Mama and Daddy are off to play with the adults, while our dear, kind friends tend to the babies.
I'm not sure who is looking forward to it the most, but my guess is not Julie and Lee. :) (Not to worry, we'll take them a consolation prize.)

Gotta race off!
We'll prob'ly see you tomorrow.


  1. Hope your night out was tons of fun-I got a night out with the hubby tonight for his b-day. Woohoo!

  2. Love the picture of your dog! My kids like to wrap lots of their own things and put them under the tree for each other. :)

  3. We used to have that organ!! I loved playing on it. We had a music book with "I Dream of Jeanne with the Light Brown Hair" and "Daisy, Daisy" or was it "Bicycle Built for Two"? Anyway, I used to have great fun with it. I hope your children do too.

  4. Oh Annabelle! Festive pup!

  5. Annabelle is the cutest thing!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!