Tuesday, December 01, 2009

December One. Decorated

You know those days when your head just swims?

Hmm... 'tis the season, methinks!

I was just saying to my Aunt a few minutes ago that this time of year is so incredible...
It's amazing how ideas just start to pop and spark and flash and burst from all parts of us and everything around us...whizzz! Goes the everything.
All a poor girl can do is try to keep up.....
(er... and try her best to keep organized....)

Such is my life today.

We started with the magic of the advent calendar.
"Mom. I think today should be all about Decoration!" says Little Son. An omen, to be sure.

Decorated gifts, first.
I tried and tried to transfer some decent (traced) drawings onto puzzles... finally I had success.

Yes, yes. All things like this are being transferred over to olm.com. Hopefully we'll all be used to it, soon.

"Gotta decorate the tree!" say the babes.
"Need candycanes!!"
"Need decorations!"
--About that... a couple of years ago I waited just Too Dang Long to decorate the tree.... and we finally ended up hanging toys on it. Dinosaurs, Star Wars, stuffed animals, etc... and [shudder] we also put up Colored Lights!! In my livingroom!
What? You say.
I know.
It's A Me Thing.

I'm sort of a Victorian, matchy matchy, white lights and beautiful bulbs (along with candycanes) kind of girl. I shuddered as an adult at my mother's homemade decorations and toys tree.

Turned out... (much as I shuddered at Glitter pre-babies) that I happen to like it, now.
I asked the children if they'd like our regular ornaments (let's face it - Mine) this year, or if they'd like toys, homemade decorations, gingerbread, and colored lights this year. They chose to decorate.
"And the village!"
"And I want icecream!" pipes in Little Madd.
What? Where were we?

Mama makes pretty decorative boxes

while Maddie decorates our lives... with beads.

For her birthday.
For Trevy's birthday.
For Soleil's birthday.
At least Soleil's birthday is this month and not in June.....

To the garage!
ItalicWhich is also the chapter called In Which We Get The Front Yard Cleaned Of Toys.

(a little tiny woohoo! is shouted out here by the Mama.)

The Village.

We're waiting for Daddy to get home,
longing to go window shopping at the toy store,
and dreaming up Gingerbread Men.

Life is beautiful.
And we'll see you tomorrow.


  1. I love your beautiful advent calendar! Wow!

  2. It's all so wonderful! I especially love the village and the advent calendar.

  3. Oh! I forgot to mention that I love your village w/ the playing children. Wonderful!

  4. I'm a tad too Victorian too, though you'd never guess it to see my tree! Cutesy, mismatched, homemade decorations adorn it... but it feels like love, so who can complain?

    BUT! I am OCD about setting up the tree, and putting on the lights and the garland. So I do that while the kids do something else, and then I stand back and let them do the rest. It's all about balance. ;-)

  5. We have a yardstick hanging from our tree this year. Hung by a girl who is shorter than said yardstick. *sigh*

    Oh, and a plastic skeleton. Nice.

  6. lots of fun! we are in the swoosh of things here too. so much creative energy, not enough time! :)

  7. Wonderful! A tidy front yard and decorations, in one day. Woo Hoo indeed :-)
    I love the village, and I love reading about all the funnily decorated trees. I'm a *bit* touchy about my..ahem..our tree decorations, but the idea of star wars toys or a plastic skeleton makes me shout with laughter. Maybe...:-)

  8. Life is beautiful and your home reflects your Christmas spirit :)

    I love your boxes and village and your advent calendar is wonderful..... I think I'm gonna have to do something about an advent calendar today!!

  9. Great decorating pics! I always enjoy seeing how others prepare for the season. We too are swimming in our heads with amazing ideas over this way.

  10. Such a beautiful calendar!!


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