Sunday, February 21, 2010

february twenty-one

aah. two steps forward, one step back!
such is the life with not-100-percent-babies.

we played Apples to Apples Junior - still not sure if that was a good idea or not...

there were attempts at the usual bit of computer play - but it seems that mostly it was just turned on, and then within two minutes or so it was abandoned (by both) for the comfort of the couch and television. poor babies.

while they rested i got right on a project i've been thinking of.... mosaic art with eggshells.
our spring holiday - we celebrate Ostara on the twentieth of March- is coming up soon! lots of early springtime pretties to make between now and then.


and Mama's...

and Maddie and I brain-stormed about what we can put into an art box for a give-away at olm (too.). (we're pretty excited about our choices.)

there's been lots of snuggle and love and hide-and-seek and one-on-one time with Daddy...

and doses of mama's medicine
pretend play
dreams of getting better
and plans for when we (they) are better.

all in all, we're not too bad,
because we know that any minute now,
life will, again, be so, so good.

hopefully we'll see you tomorrow.


  1. Hope everyone feels better soon. I *love* the eggshell mosaic art. So adorable!

  2. So sorry to hear about the sickness in your house. You'll be in our prayers.

    We entered the science fair and plan to add a few more before it closes. But....this is realllly embarrassing. I don't know how to add the logo. Can you advise me?
    Thanks and love you.

  3. Germs be GONE! Hope everybody is feeling better soon.


  4. February blues - lots of snuggling and cuddling is essential. Hope they beat the bug soon.
    My little Squirt is still under the weather too, but he saves his worst for nighttime :(

  5. we've got a nasty bug buzzing about here as well. I was just patting myself on the back about how little sickness we had this winter too..... oh well.

    The nintendo ds game scribblenauts has saved us - well, Owen, these past few days.

    Sending get wells and warm wishes to you :0)

  6. I hope everyone feels better soon!

  7. So sorry about the sickies - not fun at all. Hope everyone feels better soon.

  8. hoping everyone is soon back up-and-at-'em full force. :)

  9. Feel better soon! Beautiful art. They look really good.

  10. we all have the sniffles around here too..loving the mosaics :o)


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