Saturday, February 20, 2010

saturday twenty

Today we checked on and played a bit with our stained glass.

Our window art turned out beautifully! I'm sure we'll have a few more of this project in the near future.

Deinonychus building. With Dad.

Egg hiding.
And washing before hiding and filling again.. (Because her Mama said so. They'd been in the garage for a year.)

Math 1-2.

balancing moon.
i, Carly.
and more, and more.


investigations into what is magnetic

computer games

and I dunno what else.

Still slow today, but at least we were up and living.

Hopefully even more of that tomorrow.... it's family day!


  1. Hurray for family day! Have a wonderful one! :)

  2. The window glass looks beautiful - very impressive.

    The maths program looks good too.

    Enjoy the slow days, you'll soon make up for it ;-)

  3. Love your balancing moon - that looks so fun and frustrating!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Simply beautiful day. I love the stained glass.

  5. The soapy egg photo is cute! And I look forward to trying out that stained glass, yours turned out really pretty!

  6. Love the stained glass project!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!