Monday, April 05, 2010

Flower Walk

In honor of Children & Nature Network's naming April Children & Nature Awareness Month, we are hosting a meeting place for Family Nature Club at OLM (Too.).

So we headed outside...

Since there are a precious few flowers blooming in our gardens, I thought it was a good time to investigate and give the children names and information on our earliest spring beauties.

It's cold and windy out there today, so we bundled up accordingly, and set out to the gardens.
We did find a few promises!





Dandy Lions

Lenten Rose (Hellebore)
-which I thought I lost - so glad I didn't!-

one single, lone Daffodil

Apple Blossoms (they belong next door).

Very much looking forward to the plum blossoms (any day, now!) and Tulips in a few days...

To join us and share, just follow this link...


  1. Your pictures are absolutly gorgeous. Do you mind me asking what type of camera you own?

  2. I felt like I had to make excuses because it was so windy out there! :/ (thus blurry photos)
    So thanks, :).

    I have a little Canon PowerShot SX10IS

  3. Great pictures! Your blossoms are at least a week ahead of mine, I'd say. Oh, I love April, so much change in this lovely month.

  4. the violets are carpeting our yard just now, and are SO. BEAUTIFUL. i miss hellebore, i don't know if it's to be found around here at all, but in the PNW it was abundant. lovely...

  5. Love your Lenten Rose--so glad you didn't lose it!

  6. sweet little blossoms of spring for you!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!