Friday, May 21, 2010

~ this moment ~

This goes to Soule Mama's This Moment - though I don't know if it counts, as I need to say the words.

my favorite moment this week occurred here.
we were sitting out on the rose patio, playing games, and soon enough much hilarity ensued.

such a beautiful thing.
how awed I was to see my son bring such uncontrolled, helpless laughter to his sister's spirit.  just because it pleased her.
over and over and over again he indulged her so that she could go on with this moment forever.
there were a few gifts for me in in that moment, too.
I got a glimpse into the most intimate parts of their relationship - the parts that will probably not be recognized or considered until they are long into adulthood.
I got to feel like what it means to be Them - this eight-year-old boy and his sister, and this little girl and her brother.
and, surprisingly, I got to see something of my son's bared spirit.  I got to see a part of him that is so intrinsically Him - a something that can only have been there since the beginning of time, and something that he shall continue to Be for always - just because it is his Self.

something loving,
and beautiful and wise.

something grand.

something Heroic.


  1. Wow! What a wonder to know such beautiful people...then to know that you gave them life. That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing such a precious thing with us. I feel privledged.

  2. You are absolutely correct...this is such a beautiful thing. Sweet and child-like, but also with a depth of feeling that defies age.

  3. Beautiful little souls! The apples don't fall to far from the tree, mama!

  4. lovely moment, sweetness xx

  5. That is completely awesome. What a gift!

  6. So beautifully written. Beautiful moment!

  7. So sweet! They'll be close when they grow up!

    This post reminds me of my big brother, and how much I miss having him around.

  8. ~ smile ~ Isn't it grand being a mama?

  9. You're right. It wouldn't have been the same without the words. Beautiful, Steph. Just beautiful.

  10. Your taking the time to stop and embrace this moment and think about it is such an inspiration to me. We are -have been- contemplating homeschooling for quite some time, for many reasons, one of which is so that we have the time to just observe our children as they are for who they are.

  11. Pure Magic!

  12. A moment to etch on the heart for sure!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!