Friday, June 11, 2010

june eleventeen

I asked my children this morning if they'd be up for a day at This Is The Place Heritage Park.
A bit of play before an afternoon party to which we'd been invited.
They gave an enthusiastic "Sure!", to my surprise.

I wasn't expecting much, I have to say.

Here's when I gush, and say, "Don't you just love it when you're pleasantly surprised?"
We loved it.  Loved it!
We had a good time not too long ago at the American West Heritage Center, you may remember, but this was even better, I think!

 Basket Weaver

Tin Men

Candy Shoppe

A cabin that I could live in.

The other half of my cabin.


Wise Woman telling stories.

The National Pony Express Monument

Our time was cut short by our afternoon plans, so we actually left wanting lots more (always good) - there was so much more to see.  We have plans to return very, very soon with friends and family.

Off to the party!
A Bomb party!!


Where there was dress-up, singin' and dancin', game playin', edible bombs, poprocks, pizza, and friends.  Really, really great friends.

We're home for some snuggling in on a cold summer's night...
with wii
a movie
a book
and Love.
Love love love.

That will quite do.


  1. Don't you just love those old time shelves and countertops of solid, polished wood? They are my favorites.

    Love the bomb party and the fancy dressed young ladies. Looks like it was quite a success! :)

  2. Now that looks like a totally fun day!!! Love it!!!

  3. wildly jealous, looked a wonderful place to visit xx

  4. I so love places like that! And the bomb party was great. :)

  5. Oh, that place is just our type of thing.
    And the bomb party...I have never associated dressing up with bombs. Looked like a lot of fun, though.

  6. I LOVE Historic Villages. My girls and I love to pretend that we are back in another time period and we live there and we talk about what our life is like living there back then :) So fun!


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