Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm sure that when I write these kinds of posts, many folks are left scratching their heads... "Does she think this is interesting?"
: ) And the answer is, "Not really, no, but this is a journal, foremost, of my children's childhood, and sometimes staying home for days at a time, digging in the dirt and finding animals in the shape of clouds, is what we do."

 I heard a Thud!  Quickly followed by a "oof."This is what I found.

After two weeks solid (with rare interruption) of playing and celebrating with friends, we find ourselves with our two sets of favorite playmates out of town.  We love them!  But this will do, too. 
Evidently we had lost time to make up for.  (Both then and now.)

There is a reason 

that gardeners don't shoot in wide-angle..
...for the beauty is in the details!

We've cleaned out our computers (one we completely wiped out due to the need to get rid of a wretched virus), and filled them back up with lots of deliciousness.

Thursday was a piddling sort of day - 

Little Son asked me to get out modeling clay, so that he might repair and evolve his prehistory landscapes.  (Or, Background, as he calls it.)  A most unusual event, to be sure!

There were netflix movies,

swimmin' with dad,

and birdie tennis in the front yard.

Oh, we had the first summer rain!

And a pool date with Little Son.  Mama in her drawers.
Whatever.  It's the way we do things, sometimes.

Talk of going to the library, as well as how the library system works.

 Cinquefoil in the Medicine Garden

Round Two of the birds and bees talk-- the first one was about three years ago, I guess.  S'pose I can handle one every three years or so.  Oof.
It went well.  I think.  (This isn't a subject that I'm uncomfortable with or jittery about, you understand, it's just that I was sort of left stammering at the surprise!)

Treats and concoctions and kitchen experiments - which led to the idea of getting a "kids cookbook" at the library and putting it on our Things To Do list.  I got one - but it seems pretty lame - any ideas for a really good one?  Doesn't need to be vegetarian.


I think we finished our day with eating nearly a pan of rice crispy treats.  I know.  But whatever.

Friday was spent in the gardens!
I puttered yesterday morning in the medicine garden - weeding, trimming, cutting things back... now I need to feed it some stinky fish guts.  (Not looking forward to wetting all my beauties with liquid fish sludge!  Been putting it off.  : )  )
Worked in the herb garden, too.  Seriously cut back the sage.  Loved that.  Butterflies were dancing all around, bees were buzzing, birds were flitting about with twigs and things in their mouths.
Can't be grumpy when your body and spirit is tinkering in your herb garden, I tell you.
I also worked on the driveway (Eric had taken the children -Annabelle included- for a long walk),

The new Drive-way Garden

and dug up some misplaced pumpkins and volunteer tomatoes and moved them to out there.  Hopefully they'll make it.
Loving the new-and-improved driveway!  (And we're still in the process of digging up the rest of it.  It's still at about half.)

Since we had to wipe out the older computer (we have this one for games and software that need an older system), Trev's Jurassic Park was wiped off.  That caused us a bit of trouble, as the copy we had was not able to be read for installation, now, and we had to track a copy down on the other side of our valley.
So we had that adventure yesterday - I was dreading it as it's a long and irritating drive, but the children were looking around at the various Wendy's and Olive Gardens and a slide coming off of a balcony, and declared, "I think this is a nice town!!"  :)  (We could have had it sent to our library, but we wouldn't have gotten it until Monday or Tuesday, and I couldn't do that to Trev when this is something he loves so much.)

Mullein in the Medicine Garden
We picked up a few cool things - new libraries are always fun, aren't they??

We've been tidying up -it's hard to be inside when it's a glorious 84 degrees outside-

Chamomile (Medicine Garden)
and daydreaming

and swimming
Echinacea in the Fenced Garden

and sharing.  I love it that Trev shares everything with the rest of us - he gets so excited about things, and knows we'll be so thrilled to hear all about it.  New discoveries, a fun new game, something he's fixed, accomplishments...  it's awesome that he trusts us (and has enough self confidence) that he shares things so exuberantly.  Love that.  Love him.

So that's it.
Hopefully (keeping my fingers crossed) the new keyboard I've ordered for my laptop -had a little spill- will come in the mail today - I'm always off when my notebook isn't in perfect order!
I have some things to write down and share with you.
I'm looking forward to that!


  1. I find your days interesting and I appreciate that you take the time to share them with us.

  2. The bucket on the head could be a stand-alone post! It is so cute. Raspberries look delicious:-). And thanks for sharing all the other goodies as well.

  3. Phyllis - thanks so much.

    Andrea - you're welcome! Thank you!

  4. I love your posts too. I like reading about what other mamas do on a day to day basis. Gives me confidence that what I am doing is enough.
    Plus...I just really love your family. You guys are all super cool. <3

  5. So much glory here - and more than plenty of interesting - more like very inspiring!

    (it's always the surprise that catches us on "those talks" isn't it? I am hoping to be a little more proactive with the younger one...)

    My girl came home from camp today - it was SO HARD to miss her for two weeks. She is very ready for some garden/library/ice cream time. Me too. The younger and I kept busy, and as you know, an 8 year old can keep one very busy!

    (and that head in the bucket photo is awesome :))

    Seriously Stephanie - you could stand like a statue and it would be interesting, never worry about that. Ever.

  6. Buckets on heads and wild swings - looks like a glorious summer to me!!! Love it!!!

  7. You guys are awesome.
    Goodness - what would I do without these bloggy friends of mine??

  8. Oh, how I covet your garden! May I come and live there? I'll weed and harvest! (:

  9. I have always loved reading about your days.

  10. Sigh! Oh your garden looks divine! And reading about your days is an inspiration...

  11. I always love to visit your family--it's never mundane. Never.

    I've been meaning to branch out & visit a new library "in the next town over." Perhaps you've inspired me. :)

    You've also reminded me that I must trim back my sage!

  12. ditto ditto ditto and more ditto. consider yourself affirmed, admired, and adored. !!

    my girls seem to like the Molly Katzen cookbooks - lots of pictures along with the directions...Pretend Soup and Salad People are what we have...

  13. Thanks again, everyone!

    Slim - I think I saw Pretend Soup! I noticed the title, and thought of Button Soup. :) Didn't pick it up, though. I should have!

  14. I always love your posts and see your photos and words as journal of a life well-lived. So much love!!

  15. We've had a whole lot of Jurassic Park play here - son one has been working through the exercises.

    And I love your blog.

  16. The girls just made some things from the Southern Living Kids Cookbook. We have been happy with everything in there and there are a lot of things they can do somewhat independently.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!