Friday, July 16, 2010


much of our day today was filled with friends.
always nice!

we've also had much of the usual favorites -
computer games
prehistoric scene creations

and other favorites, too--
popsicle eating-
creating with paints and glue
drawing on sidewalks

and some not-quite-ordinary things...
planning a friendly sort of party for tomorrow
and building hide-outs.

everyone is gone, now,
and 'tis quiet and pretty still.
the mama of the house has been walking around with a lovely quart jar filled with ice water,
giving love and water to her gardens.
do you love this chore?
is it so therapeutic, sometimes?

I finished up, and saw Little Son studying something on the back of his hand..
"What have you got there, Bud?"
"A mosquito."
"It hasn't bit me yet, it's just walking around tickling me."
"Oh..." I was interested that he was just studying it-- not something I've ever done.
"Here it goes... it's bitten, and its abdomen is turning red.  Filling up with blood."
I was very impressed, as this is not something that I know about.
"I think it does it to feed the eggs in its abdomen..."
I couldn't resist, I had to look it up.
he is right.  males and females eat fruits and nectar, but females need protein for eggs, so they draw blood.  and the abdomen does, indeed turn red.

a little more quiet puttering around the backyard brought me to a noise that I've been hearing but not fully noticing the last few days.. mostly I've "heard" it as the dogs whimpering (either next door or our Annabelle - though I've noticed it's not her when I hear it) - as they want in, or something.  really high pitched squeaking.  tonight I noticed a bird fly out of the ivy as I neared, and I realized that she has a nest in there. 
I heard the peeping, and called to the children to come hear.
we stood there, listening to the babies, and watching the parent bird flitting about, fussing and wondering when we were going to let her continue on, uninterrupted.
it was really lovely for us to realize that we can provide safe habitat for Life, continued.

simple things, these days of ours are sometimes filled with,
but wondrous and beautiful, just the same.


  1. Wonderfully busy! Like usual. :)

  2. You know, I was all set to start xyz schooling this fall. Proclaimed it to the world via the blog and everything - like that would make it "official"...

    ... and then I sold it about 26 hours after I proclaimed it "the thing", with no regrets.

    Thank you.

  3. Penny -
    Does the shedding of the thing make you wanna sing??

    That's the line in the sand, for me.

    Dancing! Shouting! Claiming and proclaiming! Hooting!

  4. YES! Now to learn how... :)

    or maybe relearn.

  5. Such amazing mosquito news!

    I smashed one on my arm this evening-too bad I didn't take the opportunity to observe it longer.

    We *did* however rescue a moth from our cat. And, watch yet another cicada emerge from its shell...that reminds me, I have some information to research regarding cicadas. Off to do that, now...

  6. It is the simple things that are the most enjoyable!

  7. Kudos to Trev for studying that mosquito. I'd have smacked it so hard without thinking twice (mind you I never feel them land on me which is why I'm always COVERED.) But really cool to know about the workings of the mosquito. Thank him for me. :) -Debbie

  8. How nice of him to observe the biting himself so that you didn't have to ;-)
    Just thinking about it makes me itch!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!