Tuesday, September 21, 2010

in between

ah, I skip a day and I feel like we've been gone a week!
After a few busy days, yesterday was a day for At Home.
Seems like it was a day of living "in between" -
resting and recovering from colds,
re-arranging furniture,
thinking of ideas for celebrating Mabon,
everyone wandering around doing their own thing....

I smiled at one point because I found Eric and Trev side-by-side sitting at the computers, both doing research.  :)
Trev was studying mythology - European dragons, kraken, gorgons, Loch Ness monster, etc; Eric music.

My dear friend is moving away, and has given me her beautiful bookcase that I have long admired.
Yesterday that meant that I had to tear some things apart in our house to find a place for it.  (You know when you have to re-organize, and things get much, much worse before they get better?  Yeah, like that. oof.)

But I do have this, now, which has been messy and irritating me for about a year.
All quite tidy, and ready for daily digging for mittens and hats. (Before the baskets were just stacked, and forever tumbling over and being spilled.  And it isn't it lovely how the three baskets -one for each of them- fit so perfectly upon the shelf??).  And shoes have an official place, besides "tossed behind the antique chair".
Not terribly interesting, I know, however I'm pretty sure that all Mama's have these little things in their lives irritating them, and it's nice to share our "so there!" 's with someone, as these are quite liberating and celebrate-worthy moments some times!

So things were/are getting moved around.

Maddie spends the day creating.

Trev curled up in a chair for a couple of hours to read 100 Most Disgusting Things On the Planet, a book I had picked up from the library that I thought he might like.  Think Rafflesia, Titan Arum, Hagfish, Blobfish....

And during it all, on this "in between" sort of day, we think about:
joining the Zumbatomic class at the library,
our yogurt maker which should arrive from the man-in-brown today,
making paper mache' pumpkins,
painting glittery puzzles,
making a batch of soap,
dipping candles,
things we're waiting for from the library,
the Journey To the Stars package we got in the mail yesterday,
what can go upon the new shelves.....

 Friends, we're shifting....


  1. Man do I need a day like this, even without the astonishing bookcase...

    ...hugs to you as you say farewell to a friend, I hope she's not moving too far and you can keep in touch, and really, now that I think of it, with Skype and all, no place is too far to keep in touch! :)

  2. Lovely bookcase - looks strong and capable.

    Have you read "The Kraken" By Gary Crew (fantastic illustrations) or "A Dignity of Dragons: Collective Nouns for Mythical Creatures" by Jacqueline Ogburn?

    I only mention them because your boy and mine have similar tastes :)

  3. Days at home can be so nice and relaxing. Lovely bookshelf!


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