Wednesday, December 22, 2010


[or] "My Sage Advice For You and Me."

A few days ago, I said to Eric, "It's coming! Now there's a week, and then tomorrow it will only be three days, and then the day after that is Christmas. So really it's tomorrow."
"Like on Seinfeld.... So it's really only one five minutes, really, Jerry said..."
"Exactly what I'm talking about!" said I.

And sure enough, it's only been a few hours since that conversation.
And sure enough, Christmas is here.

I was reminded today that we all have preferences and things that are most important to us... and along with that, surely someone else will come along to tell us about theirs, and so we then question ours.

So I'm here to remind us all to live Joyfully!

Remember the letdown after Christmas when we were kids? I decided several years ago that it didn't have to be that way.
So, so, so much denial and then one big explosion and then it was over in the blink-of-an-eye.
So I say "Yes!" when I am able, when the babes ask to open a little tiny (inexpensive) something under the tree.
Certainly it is not fashionable (or moral, some would say!) to promote wicked consumerism, and I am not attempting to do that, but I do know that Christmas is "Lovely, glorious, beautiful Christmas, upon which the entire kid year revolves."
And I choose to celebrate that truth.

I believe in Santa.
I believe in childhood.
I don't mind chaotic explosions of bows and ribbons and paper and plastic cartridges (I could surely do without those, honestly) and foil chocolate wrappers and peanut and pistachio shells all over the livingroom for a full day, without embarrassment. Even when someone comes over.
I love new pajamas for Christmas Eve. (Pre-washed, of course.)
I love The Christmas Story playing over and over and over again in the background on Christmas Day.
I love waking up in the middle of the night (again... because I swear I never really sleep on Christmas Eve) and doing my middle-of-the-night business and then pacing and chomping until it's finally a suitable time to go wake up my family.

I like the all of it.
I like the glitz and the chaos, and I like the serene strolls through Mother Nature's intimate winter whites.

A person such as me can feel extreme guilt about loving all of these things.
People have been disdaining the commercialism of this holiday for a long time, now.
Many of us try to focus our energies and resources upon what the holiday means religiously or choose to concentrate upon the time for Family.

For me, I figure my spirituality (though not religious) is a daily thing, and certainly most of my everyday life is spent concentrated upon childhood and being together.
I don't do too bad, I figure.
(I hope it's obvious that spending quality time with my husband and babes is very important to me.)

What's my point. ??
My point is that hopefully we've all made the best lives for ourselves.
My point is to be happy with our personal choices.
The world would be a horrid or dreadfully boring place if we all preferred the exact same things.

So if you're feeling guilty about heading out today to pick up some last-minute things, don't. Enjoy it.
If it's snowing and you'll be sloshing on the roads, don't forget to splash in a puddle in the parking lot. And give your change to the guy ringing the bell.
If you've chosen a gift-free Christmas, then be happy in the knowing that it was what you chose to do, this year. Think about all the ways you're giving your time and your smiles and your heart, instead.
Whether you're busy crafting and cooking and creating,
or if your heart is captured by stories and firelight - be happy in the things you've chosen.
If [ahem] you have a thousand things to do at home, remember to do so Joyfully.
Blast your favorite music, and dance two steps forward and one step back while you're cookin' and scrubbin'.
Smile often.

Open your heart wide, however you can, and live in Joy.

Only three days now, including this one.

Happy Christmas, everyone.


  1. perfect!

    a wonderful message...especially in this dog-eat-dog Land of Blog..;)

    Christmas blessings to you and yours...


  2. Thanks for the joyous reminder! I love all the magic that comes with this time of year. Thank you for sharing all your joy and amazing ideas, we embrace many of them. Enjoy the season! Much love from South Dakota...The Regnier Clan

  3. YES!!!
    Hoping you have a wonderful joy-filled holiday.

  4. I love this post!

    "So really it's tomorrow." - that's what Squirt said, about Dec 1st :-)

    And you sum it up with "Lovely, glorious, beautiful Christmas, upon which the entire kid year revolves." Christmas as a child is so magical and exciting, for lots of reasons, including a pile of gifts under the tree.

    Can just picture you, impatiently waiting for christmas morning - not long now :-)

  5. Sam - that's a quote from "A Christmas Story". :)
    by Ralphie.

  6. Wonderful! We are loving our traditions around here. Have a wonderful fun filled Christmas!

  7. "The point is to be happy with our personal choices"....thank you luv...I needed that today!! xo

  8. Thank you.
    I tend to get overwhelmed this time of year. It's good to remind myself to let go and sing and just flow with the spirit.

  9. :) well said

    merriest of days to you and your wonderful family

  10. Just what I needed to read today. Thank you for your wise words!

  11. Thank you. And peace to all.

  12. As I was wrapping up the plastic toys that my children have asked Santa for this year only twenty minutes ago, I felt a horrible twinge of guilt...because plastic is evil, right?

    But then I thought of the sheer joy my kids will get from the dino track set and the ponies (probably combined!) and I thought that it doesn't matter...because it will be loved plastic, probably for many years.

    Thanks for making me feel so much better - and for reminding me to LIVE in JOY xx

  13. kelly -
    exactly! :)
    organic gardening,
    walking to the library,
    walking to the grocers,
    no yearly trips to Paris or Rome...
    we give where we can.

    to all-
    how lovely that everyone is so kind and understanding!

    it's a beautiful world, yes?

  14. Such a beautiful post, thank you...

  15. What an awesome post! Thank you for the reminder!!!

    Merry Christmas!

  16. Yay! So glad you got your thoughts on this out. :)

    I could chat with you forever about this, about creating the sort of magic that lasts and lingers long after the day has come and gone. Makes my eyes well up, really.

    And the guilt...did I do enough? Ah well, it's all enough and thank you for giving us all permission to be okay with whatever it is we do. Such a beautiful gift this Christmastime. And, another reason why I love ya. xo

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  17. I love, LoVe, LOVE this post! Thank you for it :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!