Sunday, August 17, 2008

August 17

Madd: "How many cents we need? One, two, five!!" she exclaims as she holds up fingers.
Then she runs off to go get the cash register.

Madd, last night: "Look at the rainbow!" The evening sun was coming in, and reflecting, and we had prisms in several parts of the kitchen. "Look! Another one! Why there's rainbows?"

Trev wakes up and stumbles into the livingroom, where I'm eating breakfast, and watching the History Channel. It's about prohibition, and "righteous defenders", or some such thing. George Washington comes on, it's talking about his army against the moonshiners.
"Rrrrrrrr! I hate that guy!" Says Little Son. He really does. I need to give it its own post, because it's a pretty big deal around here. And quite bemusing and amusing to his Daddy and I.

Eventually he bails and goes to his computer to watch Discovery dinosaur videos - Little Das Hunt and Pod's Travels.

Indiana Jones movie. (Number two, I think.) Big surprise.
Mama: "You don't have your hat and your whip? I thought you would!"
Little Son: Sigh. "No, Mom. I'm just watching it."
How extraordinary!

I checked into some more info on Teddy Roosevelt for Trev. We want more information. We really like him. I even like his apparent inconsistencies - such as being a hunter who believed in preserving natural habitat environments for animals. It's sorta like my not believing in killing living things, and being a meat-eater, I spose. I get it.

Tea party for little Cakes.
Our friends gave her some swoon-worthy smelling tea/tisane for her birthday, we're finally getting around to tasting it! (It's wonderfully delicious, by the way.)

Art projects for her.

The rest of the day was spent playing with friends.
Lincoln logs, puppets, Lego Star Wars, swinging, jumping, running, playing.

Life's good.


  1. Sounds like you all had an amazing past two days! -K

  2. "Indiana Jones movie. (Number two, I think.) Big surprise.
    Mama: "You don't have your hat and your whip? I thought you would!"
    Little Son: Sigh. "No, Mom. I'm just watching it."
    How extraordinary!"

    How cute. lol


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!