Monday, August 25, 2008

black Monday

following K's post , funny enough (as they had a moment or two), we have dubbed today Black Monday.

We piddled and cleaned this morning - with minimal damage to dh's feelings - first-day-of-period-Me only shouted at him three times that if he would JUST PUT THINGS WHERE THEY GO WE WOULDN"T HAVE THIS PROBLEM!" (making fun of Me, not dh.)
Eventually we got out of the house, packed (enough for a week, as usual) with adventure packs, goggles, sand toys, the makings for sandwiches, beer (ahem), books, paints, and all the usual paraphernalia.
Bought a new leash for Annabelle (it was one of those things that didn't get put Where It Goes And Was Now Lost.)
Finally! at like 4pm or something now.
Gas at Chevron a block away from freeway entrance (13th and 21st), and we're there!!
Uh, no.
Why won't it start?
Is the battery dead?
Kind person jumps us.
Nope. Nothin'!
Uh.... push start, then. Thank goodness for standard transmissions.... (I love standards! Never give me an automatic - I won't know how to drive it...)
To home - take brand new battery out of 4Runner, insert into Pathfinder.
There! That will do it! Now we can go.....
Black Monday.

Picnic in the backyard, says Daddy.
To the pool.
Drag gear to the backyard, then.

Where's that damned beer?
Thank God I don't have to drive.....


  1. Awww! What a huge bummer. Maybe it's a god fearn''car and hates your cheeky bumper sticker. You think?...;.)-Kim

  2. cackling over here!!!
    thanks for that!

    still cackling....

  3. Lawd, I'm gonna wake up the neighbors....

  4. btw -
    there is no "fish" symbol up, yet.
    Just mine!

    Cheeky Monkey.

  5. But it knows that you evolved and question while it was really created and obeys... see no sticker needed. it just KNOWS!

  6. I'm not sure what that means - the no sticker needed, it just knows part.

    I don't question the truck not starting/breaking down (a mile away from home), and do not fear that I am being punished.
    Number one, I don't fear God (or however one chooses to name the All), I choose to experience, soak up, and celebrate God, instead.
    Secondly, it's the right truck. We're good at making those sorts of choices. We trust that the right thing will happen, and it does!
    Lastly, we weren't stranded miles away from home, and even if we were, I'd be looking at the situation with nonjudging eyes, in an attempt to extract the Good out of it. (after the initial irritation, of course.)
    Right now I can think of several "good"'s -
    We were not stranded. It will be fixed by next week for our trip and vacation, I can stay home and work on things (Me, my house, my patience, the energy in my home) the next day or two while New Truck gets fixed. I can better prepare for our party on Sunday!

  7. Oh, hey I was just being goofy. You said your sticker wasn't up yet, and so I was saying that maybe if it was a 'Fearin' type, It (The vehicle) might know that you were going to sticker it, with the n' chips, is all.
    This morning pre coffee it made perfect sense!
    I was playing off evolution and creation, as the car was obviously created, and would not question, but you could, I was playing off fundamental beliefs... whatever lol! It was funny in my head at the time, It's easy to not make sense in print,for me!-K

  8. Oh, hey I was just being goofy. You said your sticker wasn't up yet, and so I was saying that maybe if it was a 'Fearin' type, It (The vehicle) might know that you were going to sticker it, with the n' chips, is all.
    This morning pre coffee it made perfect sense!
    I was playing off evolution and creation, as the car was obviously created, and would not question, but you could, I was playing off fundamental beliefs... whatever lol! It was funny in my head at the time, It's easy to not make sense in print,for me!-K

  9. K-
    regardless, it was welcome, and made me think!
    Not in a "questioning my beliefs" sort of way -they're meticulously chosen and extensively thought/felt/philosophized through, but in an "I want to find common ground, not separate myself from my Brothers" sort of way!

    Though, admittedly, I AM a pirate, and as I have said often lately, forty is bringing out the Fiercest Of Them All in me.

    My husband told me our friend last year (per his 40th) got a tattoo. (I had forgotten that he is my one friend a year older than I.) Others get sports cars.
    Some have affairs of the heart or head.

    I'm just gettin' sassier. (though, dangerous territory, to be sure.)

    THe Pirette in me says "So Be It!"

  10. Ok then you need a pirette sort of name! How 'bout Mighty Sassypants, landlubber of Utah territory? or something. You really NEED a Pirette alias.-:>)-K


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!