Monday, January 19, 2009


Usually I save these posts for hf, but since I've started it here, I'll finish it.

When I first started with the dark blue paint, I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out how I wanted. It was pretty bold and shocking.

Then I added the light blue, and I started to feel more comfortable.

When the sage was added, I started nodding.

Then the light turquoise (the color of the ocean on many maps and globes), really brought it together for me.

Next I'm off to add the last color - a soft, buttery yellow, then I'll put a strip of sage across the bottom.
Tomorrow I'll tape off the sage, and paint the bottom molding white.

It's not finished yet, but I love it.
Most of the paints we already had, I just grouped them together.
I love the earthiness of the colors, and the raggediness of the lines. I'll be tidying them up a bit, of course, but for the most part this is how it will look.

One thing that surprised me was that I love is the way the gloss of the satins (the dark blue and the turquoise I bought yesterday) contrast with the flat finish of the sage. It gives it a textured, natural, woven feel.
It kind of brings the feel of it all together.

I'm off to put on the yellow!.....


  1. It looks like it will turn out quite well. I like it!

  2. oh it looks lovely!! Nice job!!!

  3. That looks great! Such a simple idea, with paint, looks so fantastic :-)

  4. now, that is cool!

  5. I LOVE it! I LOVE those colors together too.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!