Wednesday, September 23, 2009

september twenty-two: mabon

The very first thing I had to do was get my mullein flowers washed and dried again and ready for medicine. (Medicine making is a fine Mabon activity, don't you think?)

The next project -the babes were still sleeping- was apple dolls. Which will probably become kitchen witches.
I've wanted to do this for a few years, but really thought I'd be terrible at it, and didn't expect much other than feelings of ineptitude and disappointment.
I am so happy to say I was wrong!
I am so in love with these ladies that have come to life, and am honored that they have showed themselves to me.
It was very hard for me to stop at three!

When the children awoke there was lots of time spent doing the usual sorts of things,
playing games
finding grasshoppers
reading-- the first three chapters of The Mouse and the Motorcycle

and Making-
art with stickers and scissors and markers

crow puppets

and bird feeders.
And that, friends, was that.
Here comes Fall...


  1. I love your apple dolls - they have real personalities :-)

    *Dashing off to kitchen to have a go*

  2. You did a great job on the Apple dolls. Did you take the skin off all the way round?
    What next? Are they the kind where you leave them to shrivel?
    I have a whole heap of apples...

  3. Inoureyes- Yup. I followed the turorial on the link.
    I want them for October, so I actually put them in the dehydrator yesterday.
    They're looking lovely today! :)
    I'll show them tonight.

  4. love the apple dolls!
    can't wait to see them dried. :)

  5. Welcome fall! It sure does feel like it around here doesn't it? I'm just hoping the first frost will delay for another month:)

    Anyway love your Apple Dolls and crow puppets! I think I'll attempt the apple dolls today since we got a bushel out on the back deck.

  6. LOVE the apple witches! So awesome.

    Those crow puppets ... I have a girl who adores crows. I hate to show her this - we may not be able to stop at one. I'd hate it if we ended up with a murder in our house. ;)

  7. Those apple faces are adorable, I am definitely trying that.

  8. You are so talented! Your ladies are absolutely wonderful and the crows are so cute. You really inspire us all.

  9. This is a totally unrelated question, but...could you tell me how you get the wonderful header you have with your row of pictures. Did you pay extra for this, or is it a google gadget? I love the look.
    Thanks for any help...

  10. The apple ladies are fabulous!!! love them!!! and that grasshopper is HUGE!! i am sooo inspired by your herbal care stephanie... any books you recommend for starting to even just read about how to make your remedies? I have "a kids herb book"... but that is as "hands on" as I get... but would love to get some knowledge to plant next year...? ( i fear mold in the jars... and that is what holds me back...)
    :) great stuff!!

  11. oh those cronies...they are AWESOME. i am going to have to go searching for an apple or two to coax into life...oh, i know what they reminded me of! the triplets of belleville...ha!

  12. The crow puppets are fabulous. We MUST make some. How are they made?

  13. Phyllis-
    It's just a part of the regular Header in layout.
    You just have to edit your pictures with something else, I use Photoshop Elements to size, crop, and adjust mine... that one (and others like it in regular posts) are "photo merged", saved, and then uploaded.

  14. Awesome witch apples! They look

  15. LOVE the witch apples! I remember making those when I was a kid. I had mine for a really long time and can't rightly say what ever happened to her.

    Just wanted to let you know, in case you're interested, that I'm having a give-away on my blog for a personalized portrait stamp.

    I am learning that carving is definitely my best artistic ability. And my favorite. Apple dolls, here I come. :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!