Thursday, January 21, 2010

january twenty-one: vipassana


  1. Looks like you had a great day there! :o)

  2. Great pics! What a great day. :)

  3. I love it that not only do you live these moments and notice these moments - you capture them to keep forever. :-)

  4. Can't think of anything to say but this: :)

    Your posts always make me smile. Your children's happiness just shines...

    I would love to know what books are in that last photo... I still have some holiday loot set aside for *me* reading... if you have the inclination to share what inspires YOU... (please, sometime... if the mood strikes...)

    Enjoy your day!

  5. I love the sparrow picture. Looks like a lovely day there.

  6. Ah... see you have a science fiction fan there... me too.

    Enjoy a wonderful weekend :)

  7. Penny-
    I have a room of my own downstairs. A sacred space.
    So these books were piles that were on my nightstand, or favorites that I took downstairs to live on the long shelf underneath the shelf of herbs and oils.
    A few of the books are
    Tao Te Ching ( this interpretation)
    The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents by Deepak Chopra
    Several Conversations with God books - Neale Donald Walsh
    Walking Meditation Thich Nhat Hanh
    A Woman's Book of Meditation (which I haven't read hardly any of)
    Living Deeply (also haven't much of)
    The Gift and I Heard God Laughing by Hafiz (an absolute favorite)...

    very, very personal books. :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!