Tuesday, May 25, 2010

John!... I'm only dancin'. [or] No Excuses. No Apologies

Do you ever just get....
"God!  I can't contain it!"?

It's madness,
and it's over-filled-ness
and it's incredibly
 blue skies!
and still-living green things!!


 geo power

and girl power

And big
in the bright, bright sunshine


 cloud forming
cloud busting

 Western Tanager



It looks like music played
-loud and proud into the backyard so's you can Hear it and feel it-


 foil dancers and crocodiles

and hangin' your Jolly Roger

-because you are Absolutely Part Pirate-

an' it looks like a chalkboard with pink and yellow markings

and finger painting with oils on canvas


and breakin' through

and rowdy anarchy
and even Ella
and Barbara
and Nat King Cole
and white linen at suppertime.


"Like black coffee....
like nicotine..."

Oh, everything.

I know,
it's Madness,

but still,
for me,
it just

And the dearest husband comes home
and listens
to the tales...
and smiles
and joins in.

An' it looks like two hours of
Private Conversation
with him, the best friend
-the babies are either asleep or Otherwise Occupied indoors-
(who knows?)
and a sigh upon a sigh
and This.

Because it's getting a bit cold,
and you're (I'm)
not quite ready
to say
"that's all, then."

and knowing
that there IS no ordinary
as long as one appreciates,
and is willing to throw back one's head
and howl
and sing
and bang in time with the music
by the light of the moon.

And it is enough.

it is enough.

Oh, yes.
Happy is always
more than "Enough".

That's all, then.
Just that.
And no -
I offer no excuses.


  1. Thank you. What a wondrerful way to share a day and put poetry back into those of others.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful! Everyone's day should be just this ordinary, and the world would be a better place.

    A bit of sun makes so much difference here - soaking it up.

    I love the photo on the trampoline. Just perfect :-)

    (Gosh, I've gone all emotional!)

  3. Stunning. I'm printing this out and carrying your wisdom everywhere I go today. Then it will be on my fridge, and I will smile at my family, then smile at yours, and whisper "thanks for the reminder".

    Glad you recovered from the frostiness.

  4. Your bliss is contagious. I love it!

  5. Beautiful, Stephanie, just beautiful.

  6. So glad to see you're all back dong the regular stuff!!! Looks like everyone made it through the snow day in one piece.

  7. I get it. i do, indeed :)

    and knowing
    that there IS no ordinary
    as long as one appreciates,
    and is willing to throw back one's head
    and howl
    and sing
    and bang in time with the music
    by the light of the moon**

    Beautiful words to carry with me. Thanks :)

  8. I teared up reading this!! What a beautiful life, what a beautiful family, what a beautiful mama..


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!