Friday, September 17, 2010

GeoDice Game

While I was window-shopping for games, I came across one called Shapes Up.

I thought it looked interesting, and I also thought that I could easily make an adapted version myself. So I did!

The object of the game is to be the first one to fill your chosen card with shapes.

I made the cards first.

I laid out designs on the table, finding a format that was pleasing to me.

When I found a shape that I liked, I started tracing with pencil around the center shape onto a piece of cardstock, and then placed the next ones accordingly.

When I had the basic design done, I filled in more of the drawn shapes with lines – converting some hexagons to trapezoids, triangles, and diamonds (or rhombus).
I felt that this offered more of a challenge – the unbroken hexagons (with no lines in them) can only be filled with a hexagon. Unbroken trapezoids can only be filled with a trapezoid shape – unless it is next to another, providing an outline for the hexagon. (This part of the game is completely different from the one I saw, and was my own idea.)
So smaller shapes or larger shapes can only be used if there is a proper outline for them – unbroken lines must be left open.

When I had the designs done on the cardstock, I got out my ruler, and traced the lines all the way across the cards (where there were lines) with a sharpie.

I cut the cards into squares.

When that was done, I covered both sides of the cards with clear contact paper.

For the die, I made a cube with my fingers out of polymer clay, and then baked it accordingly.

When it was done I drew on the four shapes I had used, and, borrowing an idea from the game, I drew a hand – which meant that the player could snatch any laid piece off of his opponent’s card. The last side of the die – my own idea – I put a question mark, leaving it up to the player to choose from the unused tiles which ever piece she would like.

It’s done!

And it’s really fun. : )

Shapes Up is made by Educational Insights, and is a Mensa Select game. The original artist and creator are unknown.


  1. great idea! looks like fun :) we have had those pattern blocks too (for years, one of our best toy investments!) - i'm always amazed at what the kids create.

  2. What an awesome game - I think your version is more fun than the original one...

  3. This looks like fun! I'm going to need to find the time to make it. THanks for the idea!


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