Monday, November 22, 2010


i swear i haven't had a decent sunday to post of since i started pointing to them.
always sundays are such rich days for me, but now that i'm looking to capture the specific wealth and magic, instead i get a nine-year-old's jokes and a day with mario and godzilla.
aah, such is this life.


there was reading

and golden spirals
(a good dozen of them)

and then a nap for mama.
oh yes!

an' there was snowplay

and roller skating

and make believe.

Trev and I checked out again our library book Math Adventures: Digging for Dinosaurs.
I like the book - it's story problems... good thinking exercises and a good way for a mama to check in to see if there is an understanding of concepts. (no worries there, he's cruising right through.)

we talked about how though Trev is leary of multiplication, he already knows half of the traditional times table without trying. zeros, ones, twos, fives, tens, and elevens. we didn't discuss this out of any sense of "you have to learn this", but rather, "not a big deal... you already even know most of it! nothing to worry about."

FOOD! 25 Amazing Projects.
today we read the last four chapters -
"Meat" Me At the Veggie Stand, Backyard Eating, You're Eating What?!, and The Future of Food.
I'll not spoil it by giving you all the information, but we learned lots of cool things - everything from famous vegetarians to world population over time. Very, very cool.
(If you would like to toss your name into the hat and haven't yet, this is your last chance. We'll have the drawing on Wednesday, November 24.)

we discussed the possible future of food - hydroponics and aeroponics, and whether that would be viable. I wondered if plants could actually keep their intrinsic integrity if it was grown aeroponically. I imagine it would grow, at least initially, but could you keep generations of food in tact? wouldn't the vegetables (and plants) need connection with the natural earth and sun to keep their substances? Trev thinks garden rooftops are the answer. a fine idea! :)

The Allowance Game

Theatre - Dance and Magic Show
(for Daddy and me.)

learning kitchen skills (chef's knife--she's fascinated)



family Godzilla
and other wiiheeheeeee downstairs play
-complete with family chaos, of course-

runnin' and funnin' and extra loud screeching
(aah, the witching hour....)

and finally into a blissful sleep.

life's good- if not existentialistic. :)
how 'bout you?


  1. M is looking might big these days, yes?

    We have had much Mario and Godzilla play on Sundays over the years here as well. Your posts bring back happy memories for me :-)

  2. Yay! for glitter...and naps...

  3. Those Math Adventure books look really cool. My son is very into counting everything lately. It's so incredibly, incredibly amazing to me how he is able to count to 100 on his own with absolutly no formal lessons at all. He asked tons of questions over a period of a month and then everything just sky-rocketed off from there. Ah, natural learning. I love it!

  4. That sounds a wonderful Sunday to me!

  5. LOL! I sort of had the same problem with my {Simply} Sunday posts. Most of the time I felt it was an imposition to actually type up the post, making them a burden.

    Burden = NOT simple.

    I love your Sunday...much fun was had. Glitterific spiraly goodness!

    Not particularly life-alteringly sparkly but that's okay! :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!